One Summer Day with JuJu Bee
Created by jazboots2 11 years ago
One Spring Day...I'm not really sure of the date as I write this, but it was on a day that I gave my daughter Dana alittle break so that she could go run some errands without having to lug half the house and JuJu with her. So this Saturday I had JuJu all to myself. It was so exciting, me getting our little JuJu for an all day visit. We started at Nonnie & Poppy's house. We had breakfast, JuJu loved her bottle. After some nice burps she wanted to sleep a bit. But I coaxed her out of it by singing to her. I put on the musuc and we danced alittle. I took her out on the front porch swing and we talked to the birds and I showed her the flowers and we just talked. She coo'd and tried really hard to tell her Nonnie some things too.
Then we came back inside and I started to get her all ready to go visit Nana (my mom). Nana was so excited that her little great granddaughter was coming to visit. Especially since she had been recuperating from a long ordeal after her open heart surgery. She was in the hospital since the day after JuJu was born and I'm pretty sure it was in July that I had this special all-day affair with my Juliana.
JuJu loved the ride over, of course, she fell asleep. But she woke up sweetly smiling when I brought her into Nana's. Nana was so excited...we cried because she was so happy that she was still here on this earth to be able to see her little Juliana.
We spent the afternoon at Nana's...with me doting all over my little Juliana. I just loved every minute with her. Holding her, kissing her, singing to her...(so did Nana). "I love you a bushel and a peck, you betcha pretty neck I do"...Nana kept singing. I made her bottles up, fed her, changed her probably 5 times. No way was she getting a diaper rash on my watch.
Then Aunt Lyn came over to visit. We even took JuJu out in the backyard so she could feel the warm spring breeze. It was so nice out that day. Aunt Lyn was so happy to see her...talking to her and goo goo gaga'ing over her. And Juliana just loved all the attention she was getting.
One Spring Day...I had my angel and will never ever forget that day. The softness of her skin, the smell of her...the smiling little face and that face looking back at me with such sweetness reminding me of everything so important to me. God, I will never ever forget that day. It is etched in my heart forever. My sweet babygirl...Nonnie loves you so so so much. Come visit me in my dreams JuJu Bee!
I'll be back to tell another story sweet baby.
Hugs and Kisses...from Nonnie & Poppy.