What's In A Name

Created by Dana 12 years ago
Juliana Grace...Latin in origin, meaning "youthful". I always loved the name Juliana so it was the only name I considered once I found out I was having a girl. She had many names though...of them are: My Peanut, My Precious Jewel(mommy's favorite), Sweat Pea, JuJu (a family favorite), JuJu Bean, JuJu Bug, JuJu Fish, JuJu Bee J-Love (one day in the summer I came up with this one and called her J-Love all day long. Every time I said the name, Juliana laughed. I swear!), Sissy (we called you this to Rocco), Tub-a-lub ( Juliana was growing fast. She was in the 75th percentile for height and weight), Chunky Monkey My little princess. No matter what name she had, Juliana was spoken to with Love. I still call you all these names....
